Maternity Fine Art Portraits: Kari {Vancouver, WA}


Here’s the thing. The voices that swirl around us, in our head and externally, do a great job of telling us we’re not enough. We’re not doing enough, we’re not pretty enough, we’re not modest enough, etc., etc., etc. But those voices are lies that create profit for companies and individuals who exploit us by using created, imaginary “deficiencies” that no amount of time or money will fix. The truth is that We. Are. Enough. We are enough, right now, just as we are with no fixing needed.

As you browse through my work, you will notice something about it that is different. I didn’t even notice it myself until I kept hearing it time and again from others viewing my work. When I photograph a woman, I photograph your whole self and my images reflect that. You may be coming to me for maternity, but maternity is not all of you. It is a part of you and your journey and story. Your whole self is a story that is continually changing. It’s not just all of you, in one shot, it’s the in-between moments too. It’s the images of you that sometimes incorporate your pregnant belly, representative of your current life stage, but also images of just you whether your pregnant belly is showing or not. It’s just you, existing, in your skin, in your life, in your story, completely embodied. Wanting to document a special moment in your life stage may be what initially brings you to me, but you may be surprised to discover that what we create together is something else entirely.

What has been your pattern for choosing to get photographs of yourself? Is it always tied to an event or specific life stage? There is never and will never be a time when documenting yourself will become a regret. Time stops for no one. Let’s create art together now on our collective journey toward “EmbracingSelf.

This outdoor location for Kari’s Maternity Fine Art Portraits is now just around the corner from my new studio space. I am looking forward to visiting it more and more often, especially on a magical overcast and foggy day like this.

Maternity Dress by Sew Trendy.