Fine Art Self Portrait by Teresa Vick in Black and White


Teresa Vick

Award-winning Artist and Fine Art Portrait Photographer
Located in Vancouver, WA USA. Serving the Pacific Northwest, Portland, OR,
and surrounding areas

What if the artwork on your walls was of you?

I am passionate about providing an embracing self experience for women through Fine Art Portrait Photography. This passion bloomed through my own discovery of the camera and learning how to use it through self-portraiture. What I experienced was a form of therapy; deep, emotional, and introspective. By choosing to place myself in front of the camera, I was confronted with insecurities I never knew I had. That spotlight made me uncomfortable. Simultaneously, I found images that were healing gems. The entire process requiring me to experience a tension that accompanied healing.

My goal is for women to experience the transformational power of accepting their bodies, as they are, right now, moving, breathing, and being, in all the ways that make her who she is apart from how we look. Society tells us our worth is rooted in our looks. This evil is prevalent in the photography industry. The truth is we hold innate worth simply because we exist. This is what I share with women through Fine Art Portrait Photography. It’s a choice to invest in your personal growth. It’s therapy. It’s personal. It’s awkward. It’s revealing. But most of all, it’s you.

You are worthy of being photographed

as you are

right now