Why Embracing Self?

I sit down here now to write about why I do #embracingself #individualportraits. No intelligible words come together for me to form sentences. I've been on a personal journey this year that has taken me down winding roads which have all seemed to lead here. With individual portraits. Specifically for women. Maybe this is the beginning and the end. I don't know. I don't know what the future holds. But what I do know is that #embracingself #individualportraits make my heart sing. I love how powerful photography can be. And I want my photography to play a part in helping women shamelessly accept and embrace themselves the way they are. 

I believe the story below the images, written by Sonja, after a recent #embracingself #individualportrait session with me, puts into words perfectly and beautifully why I do this.


...what's been:

{Let go}
{Set free}

What a season. 34 weeks of the uncovering. Choosing the belief that I am enough, after years of struggling to. Seeing worth. Refusing the automatic "self bash". Instead, recognizing beautiful in the curves, the thick blonde hair, the freckled shoulders, the dimpled chin, the full lips, the green eyes. Nothing a mistake. Nothing sub par. Everything a holy handiwork. Embracing self... whose body, mind and soul were designed by a good and intentional Father. Finally grasping how I can honor and glorify Him by accepting me. Yes, there's been weight lost. It's been an incredible ride, learning the vital role health can play in our potential. But this has been equal parts seeking to change what's inside. Breaking free of image thought processes that have been with me since I was a young girl. Searching for who GOD says I am: A masterpiece. New creation. Strong. Redeemed. A temple. Victorious. Chosen. Beloved. It'll be a life long road... this striving to define by His standards. 

Thankful for people I get to call mine. Friends and family who not only valued me before, but rallied behind and loved so well during this growth. I'm a better person because of those in my corner.  heart emoticon
And while I'm not sure what's ahead from here, I'll forever be grateful this lesson was part of my story.

"They will see in our history the faithful love of the Lord." // {Psalm 107: 43}

Teresa: What can I even say. This experience has given me the gift of owning my femininity and beauty with confidence... unashamed. Thank you for completely understanding this celebration and being a champion of its message. And thank you for capturing my heart the way that only you can. YOU, lady, are incredible.  heart emoticon  Teresa Vick Photography

‪#‎yearXXIX‬ ‪#‎breakingchains‬ ‪#‎embracingself‬ ‪#‎worthy‬