PNW Area Photographer Meetups {May 20-21, 2023 Otter Rock, OR}

Black image with white text of quote by Willa Cather

Press into the uncomfortable. Most things in life worth doing are worth pushing past the uncomfortable for. Connection with others and community is one of those things.

We can’t hope for things to get better in any aspect of our lives and community if we aren’t willing to be a part of the change we want. Will some in this community still disappoint you? Yes. Will some continue to be their most inauthentic selves? Yes. Will some behave in ways we think are antithetical to real, authentic, human connections. Absolutely.

But what alternatives do we have? Perfect is an allusion. We’ve all got our blind spots. The question is, what am I in control of? Myself. I’m in control of me. I’m not going to allow anyone else to have a say over when, how, or where I go in search of community. I’m gonna go, and invite the rest of you to join or stay home.

These meetups are an opportunity for photographers of all skill levels, professional, and hobbyists alike, to come together and celebrate and enjoy this craft of photography. No egos.

We’re here to break past boundaries set on us by others and explore our art using a camera and maybe… to discover our unique artistic contribution by refining what feels the most like a truthful expression of you.

May 20-21, 2023
Otter Rock, OR